How to block pendrive

Block your pendrive/stores devices without software

Sometimes we need to block pendrive for our computer safety. If you have a domain server and your client pc is added to your pc, you may need to block this.  You can use third party app for this. But if you want you can do this very simply without software.
Or you can do this for safe your pc from pendrive viruses. You can use this tips on your local computer.
There are two systems to block pendrive
First: block those pendrives which is not yet installed.
Second: block those which is already installed your system.
First step: for yet not installed:-
Open your notepad and copy the below code and paste to notepad.
cd c:\windows\inf
cacls usbstor.inf /p system:n /e
cacls usbstor.pnf /p system:n /e

Now save this anyname.bat this file will save as a batch file. Now run this batch file with double click. Its done. Now if you plug any pendrive you will get’Device can’t be recognized ‘ type message.
Note: if you want to unlock change this > system:n to system:f
If you have domain controller copy the anyname.bat file and paste in %systemroot%\sysvol\sysvol\<domain_DNS_name>\scripts   system folder  and go >domain controller>user properties> profile. Now in the text box of Logon Script, write the name of your batch file. Now your user can’t use uninstalled pendrive. But they can use those drive which are installed before.

Second step:  block installed pendrive
Copy and paste the below code to notepad and save it as>anyname.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Now run this to block pre installed pendrive.
Note: if you want to unlock change > dword:00000004 to dword:00000003

If you have any problem please take a minute to comment below.


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