The Natural beauty
The nature contains unlimited beauty. There are huge outstanding beautiful species in the world. One of the wonder creation of the nature is our lovely animal deer. Deer is one of the beauties of nature.
Deer are seen all over the world. You can find deer all the continent of the world except Antarctica and Australia. These beautiful animals are widely distributed.
Deer are the member of cervidae family and kinds of the ruminant mammals. white-tailed deer, mule deer like black-tailed deer, elk, moose, red deer, reindeer (caribou), fallow deer, roe deer and chital are also member of the Cervidae Species family.
Scientific classification of deer.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Artiodactyla
Suborder: Ruminantia
Infraorder: Pecora
Family: Cervidae
Red deer seen only in Africa . the Red Deer, confined to the Atlas Mountains in the northwest of the continent. And the fallow deer, you find it in south Africa.
The Sambar is the largest deer species found in South- East Asian forests. The Sambar standing 48 to 56 inches at the shoulder. The length of the Sambar deer is 6 to 7 feet and it has a 12 inch long tail.
The male fallow deer is called as a buck, the female is as doe, and the fallow deer which are young are called as a fawn. Bucks are 140-160 cm long and the height of their shoulder is 90-100 cm, and 60-85 kg in weight; does are 130-150 cm long and the shoulder height is 75-85 cm, and 30-50 kg in weight. Fawns are born in spring at about 30 cm and weigh around 4.5 kg.
You can find Rainder deer almost all over the world. But the original habitat of the rainder deer is in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Greenland, Russia, Mongolia, and northern China north of the 50th latitude. In North America. The females rainder are 162–205 cm in length and weight 80–120 kg). and the males rainder deer are 180–214 cm in length and 159–182 kg in weight.
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